The Mess in the Mirror | Streaming Sunday 10:30 AM
Taking This New Life Outside | Streaming Sunday 10:30 AM
Living in a Transformed Way | Streaming Sunday 10:30 AM
Living in Community | Streaming Sunday 10:30 AM
Guest Speaker | Streaming Sunday 10:30 AM
Easter Sunday | Streaming Sunday 10:30 AM
Washed Hands | Streaming Sunday 10:30 AM
Healing, Service, Following | Streaming Sunday 10:30 AM
Prayer and Attitude | Streaming Sunday 10:30 AM
The Beatitudes, Salt and Light | Streaming Sunday 10:30 AM
Wilderness and Temptations of Jesus | Streaming Sunday 10:30 AM
The Baptism of Jesus | Streaming Sunday 10:30 AM
Be Kind and Forgive One Another | Streaming Sunday 10:30 AM
The Apostle Paul wants to teach us how we can live out the grace of God. He is teaching us how we can enhance the unity of the body in our daily living, and how we are to distinctively live as Christians in this world and bring glory to God. What does it truly mean to forgive when someone has hurt us so bad.
Serve One Another | Streaming Sunday 10:30 AM
Being one who serves is a part of what it means to be a Christ-follower. God wants us to, through the empowerment of His Holy Spirit, follow His command from Isaiah 1:17,” Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.”
We are called to serve not only the people we see in our daily lives but look for opportunities to serve the oppressed, orphaned, widows, and seek the cause of justice whenever we have the chance.
I Peter 4:10 (ESV) says, "As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace"
Encourage One Another | Streaming Sunday 10:30 AM
Life just isn't fair! Have you ever thought that? Our circumstances can change in an instant and we may face challenges that are hard and difficult to bare. Just ask Job. He was a godly man but found himself facing unthinkable tragedy after tragedy. His children were killed, his livestock was stolen, and he found himself covered in boils from the top of his head to the soles of his feet. This man was in definite need...
Bear One Another | Streaming Sunday 10:30 AM
We get to look at the topic of what it means to "bear with one another.” When I think of this term to “bear with” someone I oftentimes do not have the biblical point.of view in mind. And although there are times that I wish that I could be like Elijah in 2 Kings 2:24, when he called down bears from the forest to deal with people he was having problems with...