1. Devotional - Pastor Matt
2. Membership - Rachel
a. Danielle
3. Elections - Darin
a. Council Positions
i. Council Chair - Darin Falk by Special Resolution
ii. Treasurer - Shawn Koslowski
iii. Secretary - Jamie Kotlewski
iv. Member - Rachel Bryant, Bob Giebelhaus or one position open
b. Nominating Committee
i. Amy
ii. Darren
iii. Melanie
c. Thank you to those that have agreed to serve on the Audit Committee (Not elected)
i. Don
ii. Myron
iii. Melanie
4. Outgoing Council Member Comments - Darin/Maryanne
5. Budget - Shawn
6. Renovation Update - Darin
7. Daybreak Community Church & Spanish Community Ministry Opportunity - Bob/Matt/Darin